
Verruca treatment in Shepshed

Verruca Pedis (VP) is a type of benign, harmless skin lesion of the epidermis caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV). They are commonplace on the hands where they are referred to as warts. They can occur singularly or in clusters.

When verrucae appear on the weight bearing surfaces of the feet they can develop an overlying callus which can make them painful.

Verruca Treatment

There are several treatment options available, however, verrucae can be challenging to treat. The best option can be discussed with your Foot Health Practitioner during your consultation.

Book an appointment

Your initial appointment will include a free foot health assessment. Contact us if you would like to book an appointment.

I was worried about my verruca until I spoke to Kelly and she reassured me about the cause and how to treat it.
— Liam